President Trump and the Final Redemption
Originally published inThe Times of Israel “It is known that all events that transpire in the world are by Divine Providence, and they...
"In the merit of the righteous women our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt." – Talmud, Sotah 11b“
"In the merit of the righteous women our ancestors were redeemed from Egypt." – Talmud, Sotah 11b “The generation of the final Redemption...
The Secret Merit of Melania Trump
Originally published by The Times of Israel The story you are about to hear is just the barest outline. It’s abåout an Israeli, the...
Jews: what are we doing here?
Originally published in The Times of Israel B”H Based on a lecture by Rabbi Reuven Wolf on Parshas Vayishlach 5752 In honor of the 221st...
The UN Resolution: A Sign of the Redemption
The final stage of the Gog and Magog conflict has begun. It will soon culminate in the victory of Moshiach before all the world. For us it i
Adapted from the Rebbe’s talk, on Shabbat Parshat Shoftim, 5751/1991 Miracles, foretelling the future, and an uncanny understanding of...
Rising up to the Redemption
Shabbos of the 17th of Tammuz 1991 fell out on Parshas Balak, containing the wondrous blessings of the gentile prophet, Bilaam. Although...
Yud Beis / Yud Gimmel Tammuz and the True and Complete Redemption
בס’’ד The miraculous events which brought about the Frierdiker Rebbe’s release from prison are important for every Jew. The Rebbe said,...
Dvar Malchus on Gimmel Tammuz and Parshas Korach – 5751
In parshas Korach, the Rebbe explains that Gimmel Tammuz was the beginning of the redemption. While this alludes to the redemption of Yud...
Preparing for the Festival of Mattan Torah in Parshas Behar/Bechukotai from Dvar Malchus
Shavuos, the festival of Mattan Torah, The Giving of the Torah, represents the wedding of Hashem and the Jewish people, the merging of...